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We are extremely proud of the number of student leadership roles here at Welland Park Academy. Students are represented in a range of areas across the school including:
Student Leadership Team, Sports Captains,
School Council, Wellbeing Ambassadors, Anti-bullying Ambassadors, SAFE Talk Qualified Students, Digital Leaders & Eco Team
Our aim for the year is RESPECT and the WELL-BEING of students at Welland Park Academy.
We meet on Tuesday mornings at 8am in L1.
Members of staff regularly join the School Council to discuss all areas of school life from Teaching and Learning to exciting site developments and fundraising. We have the opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions to ensure the best possible whole school experience for all students.
Student Leadership Team – We work closely with other student leadership groups, as well as meeting with members of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss whole school initiatives and developments from a student perspective. We support key events such as Open Evenings and Options evenings. We also met members of the governing body throughout the year.